Running My Mouth Off about Climate Change
In Running My Mouth Off about Climate Change, we’ll discuss some of the solutions and issues that surround the climate crisis that aren’t often seen in the major news outlets. Interestingly, most of of these topics contain a raw, human element and, as is the case in most situations, when we tweak in one area, other areas are no doubt effected. Some of these effects can be amazingly beneficial to people who are in desperate need of help, and others, not so much. Let’s have some fun exploring this together!
Running My Mouth Off about Climate Change
Climate Change: We Caused it, Here’s the Proof!
How do we know, for certain, that we caused climate change? Seems basic. But, the actual evidence, that smoking gun that has our fingerprints on it, can prove more elusive than we’d imagine. We’ll take a brief look at how we got into this climate crisis mess and move into two pieces of irrefutable proof that the fault of the climate crisis is ours and ours alone.